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Stock Number: C9679

Stainless Steel Totes

-Total of 5 totes available with varying sizes:

-All totes have a 2" outlet on bottom

-1 Tall totes (first 4 pics): -Specification: DOT 57 -Design Pressure: 9 -Test pressure: 13.5 -SN: 61187B2 -Rated gross weight: 7254 lbs -Capacity: 549

*One of these tall totes does not have a face plate 

 -Dimensions: Width: 40" -Length: 46" -Height: 64" -Total height: 76"

-2 Medium totes:

-1 of these totes (pics 5-8): Nalco Porta-Feed Systems: -D.O.T Spec no. 57 -Design P.S.I.G: 9.0 -Volume capacity: 400 US gallons -SN: 74851 -rated gross weight: 6100 lbs

-Dimensions: Lenght: 49" -Width: 43" -Height: 42" -Total height: 57"

-1 of these totes: Metalcraft tote with UN Classification (pics 9-12): -Model number: 512384 -Capacity: 350 Gal -Max gross weight: -6,000 lbs

-Dimensions: -Width: 41" -Length: 47" -Height: 39" -Total height: 51" -No lid

-2 Smaller Totes:

-1 Hoover tote (pics 13-15): -DOT: 57 -P.S.I.G: 9.5 -SN: HS00210S -Rated gross weight: 6680 lbs -Volume capacity: 300 US Gal

-Dimensions: -Width: 41" -Length: 47" -Height: 35" -Total height: 48" -No lid

-1 other Hoover Tote (pics 16-18): -SN: 61108 -Rated gross weight: 6680 lbs -Volume capacity: 300 US Gal

-Dimensions: -Width: 44" -Length: 50" -Height: 45" -No lid